Purchase GreenPower for electricity consumption. When accredited electricity generators add renewable electricity to the grid (from wind or solar power for example), they create renewable energy certificates (RECs) for each megawatt-hour of renewable electricity they generate. It’s a way of tracking what proportion of the grid is ‘green’. Electricity consumers can then use this system to buy electricity from renewable sources through GreenPower.

What Can I Do?

Did you know that as a business owner, tenant or resident (any electricity paying consumer), you can opt to purchase GreenPower for your electricity? This means your electricity consumption is matched (through the buying and selling of renewable energy certificates), with power from renewable electricity sources. This usually costs 5-8c/kWh more on your bill and you can choose what percentage of your electricity you would like to be from renewable sources and can change this at any time. All you have to do is go to Synergy and select Natural Power or Easy Green or GreenPower option with your relevant utilities provider. 

Buying GreenPower not only promotes investment in the renewable energy industry, but it empowers electricity consumers to drive change through their choices. You can then let your customers know you purchase renewable power for your operations, which is great for your brand and will reduce your business’s carbon footprint.

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