Shire of Plantagenet
The Shire of Plantagenet acknowledges the Menang Noongar people as traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we live and work.
About the Shire
The Shire of Plantagenet is located in the Great Southern region of Western Australia, about 360 kilometres south of Perth and 50 kilometres north of Albany. The Shire is managed from the town of Mount Barker and encompasses the smaller townships of Kendenup, Narrikup, Porongurup and Rocky Gully.
The council’s vision is build a sustainable and respectful community, where the environment is preserved and natural beauty and diversity provide opportunities for all.
At a glance

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Get in Touch
Shire of Plantagenet
22-24 Lowood Road Mount Barker WA 6324
PO Box 48
Mount Barker WA 6324
(08) 9892 1111
Quick Links
Municipal Profile

Encompassing a land area of approximately 4800 square kilometres, the dominant industries are agriculture, particularly sheep and cattle grazing, cropping, olive growing, plantation timber, viticulture and tourism.
Plantagenet’s cool climate, plentiful rainfall and fertile soils are ideal for viticulture, and the region is considered the heart of the internationally-renowned Great Southern wine region.
Climate Priorities
The Shire’s Strategic Community Plan 2022/2023 – 2032/2033 contains priority issues to be addressed where the community has highly rated an issue, but the Shire’s performance has been assessed as inadequate. One of those gaps in service delivery was ‘Conservation and environmental management including biodiversity, climate change, weed control, water conservation’.
Under the heading of Conservation and Environment, it is a strategic objective to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change.
Things we’re already doing
- Joined the regional climate alliance
- Using solar power and 100% renewable sources to reduce C02 emissions at Shire facilities
- Advocating for and supporting the management of feral animals
Things we have planned
- Advocating for and supporting weed management
- Advocating for and supporting dieback management facilities
- Working in conjunction with DBCA on the Porongurup Trails Master Plan
- Better control of weeds moved around by earthmoving equipment on road verges
Shire Climate Actions
Improved Water Harvesting and Retention
The Council adopted a Water Strategy in 2020 which details options for water harvesting and retention, to alleviate pressure on potable water sources. Funding was secured in 2020 and 2022 to progress some of the key water retention projects included in the Strategy, these being the construction of a new turkey nest dam with 38,000kL […]
Solar Installations
In 2015, the Shire installed solar power on the Administration Office, Shire Depot and CEO House.
Mount Barker Community Windfarm
Built in 2011, the Mount Barker Community Windfarm was fully supported by the Shire. Developed by SkyFarming Pty Ltd, the project consists of three turbines on a site 4km north of Mount Barker. The turbines are linked to the 22kV power line on the southern boundary of the site. They generate 8,400 megawatt hours of […]
Sustainable Building Design
In 2023, South Coast Alliance Sustainable Built Design report was received. Its recommendations will be considered in the forward planning of building component replacement and upgrade.
Wastewater Treatment and Recycling
In 2022, the Shire received Research from UWA in regard to options of improvement of the wastewater treatment system at Mount Barker Regional Saleyards. A desirable outcome would be to be use treated water for wash down of the saleyards. Options for treatment to facilitate this are being explored.
LED Lighting upgrades
In 2017, LED lighting was installed in the new roof at Mount Barker Regional Saleyards. In 2019, LED lighting was installed in the Administration Office as well as installation of movement control lighting in Administration Office staff toilets.