Complete solar PV rooftop installation program

In April 2018, Council unanimously resolved that the City of Albany continue to explore renewable energy generation opportunities to become self-supporting in its corporate energy requirements.

As a result, two integrated renewable energy feasibility studies undertaken in 2019 by independent consultants Blue Sky Renewables (BSR) and Thales New Energy (TNE). Investigations identified potential savings through energy efficiencies opportunities, tariff optimisation, and renewable energy solutions.

This information was used to develop a Business Case to install renewable power systems (PV) on City facilities. You can read more in the corporate power plan here.

  • Phase one – Installation of solar PV cells on City owned and operated buildings.
  • Phase two – Installation of solar PV on City owned and leased buildings.
  • Phase three – Virtual Power Plant (VPP) and storage batteries.

In December 2020, Council endorsed Phase one of the business case that proposed installation of solar PV on 11 City of Albany buildings to be adopted within the annual budget. These buildings were selected because they are City owned and operated and have sufficient building load scale and roof suitability.

Completed tasks:

  • Installation of a70KW system at North Road Administration Centre (expansion)
  • Installation of a 73.4Kw system on the National Anzac Centre
  • Installation of 300kW solar PV at Albany Leisure and Aquatic Centre
  • Installation of 88kW solar PV at Albany Airport Terminal Building
  • Installation of 31kW solar PV at Albany Public Library
  • Council endorsed business case for installation of rooftop solar PV on 11 City of Albany buildings
  • Installation of 20kW solar at Mercer Road Depot
  • Rooftop solar PV systems installed at Albany Regional Daycare Centre and North Road Administration 31.35kW
  • Installation of a 20KW system on Mercer Road Depot (expansion)

To be completed:

  • Installation of a 30kW system on Mercer Road Office
  • Installation of a 12.2KW System on Vancouver Arts Centre
  • Installation of a 6.8kW system on the Weigh Bridge at Hanrahan Road Waste Facility
  • Installation of a 6kW system on the Aware Centre
  • Installation of a 6.8kW system on Fossickers Tip Shop