Develop City of Albany Waterwise Strategy

The Waterwise Albany Strategy is an Action from Outcome 5: Shared Responsibility for Climate Action of the Corporate Business Plan 2022 – 26. It is scheduled for completion in 2024. The City of Albany is a proud Gold Waterwise Council and the Albany Leisure and Aquatic Centre achieved Platinum endorsement in 2022.

Waterwise Council Endorsement

To gain Gold Waterwise Council endorsement, the City undertakes annual reporting against a number of Corporate and Community Water Actions for potable and non-potable water consumption from our Waterwise Council Action Plan.

Water Sensitive Cities Benchmarking and Assessment

In 2022, the City became the first regional Local Government to undertake the Water Sensitive Cities Benchmarking and Assessment.

Waterwise Albany Strategy

Water sensitive cities are resilient, liveable, productive and sustainable. (

The next step in the journey of the Water Sensitive City vision is to develop a Waterwise Albany Strategy.

Completed tasks:

  • Undertake Water Sensitive Cities Index Benchmarking Workshop

To be Completed:

  • Engage consultant to draft strategy
  • Consult with stakeholder group on waterwise strategy
  • Take Waterwise Strategy to Council for endorsement