Utilising private vehicles for transportation is highly energy-inefficient, with a substantial portion of fuel consumption dedicated to moving the vehicle itself. Active transport encompasses any mode of travel that involves physical activity, particularly walking and cycling. It also extends to the use of public transport, often accompanied by walking. Substituting some car trips with walking, cycling or public transport significantly reduces emissions, while concurrently promoting road safety, minimising traffic pollution and enhancing personal health and well-being.

What Can I Do?

Whenever feasible, opt for active transport options like walking, biking, public transportation, or e-scooters for your journeys, rather than relying on your private vehicle. This shift can involve reducing the number of car trips you take each week. Consider initiating an active transport challenge at your workplace or within your community group to encourage others to join in. While active transport may present challenges in rural areas, such as commuting to and from farming properties, you can reduce your reliance on private vehicles by consolidating trips to town, carpooling with neighbours, and coordinating rides with other household members.

Read more:

WA Government – Active Transport