City of Albany
The City of Albany is situated on the south coast of Western Australia, surrounded by a formidable coastline, pristine natural environment, and untouched nature on the doorstep.
Home to a population of 40,115 people, Albany spans over 4,312.3 square kilometres from Nullaki in the west, to Wellstead in the east.
With two-thirds of the Great Southern population living in the City of Albany, it is the hub of the region.
About the area
As a growing regional city, Albany has facilities and services that offer convenience and ease for residents and visitors to the area.
Construction, Agriculture and Health Care are key industries in the City’s economy and play a vital role in supporting the community.
There are 3,617 local businesses in Albany where the highest value industries are Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing, Health Care & Social Assistance and Retail.
Albany is known for its military history as the place where 41,000 Australians and New Zealanders departed King George Sound for World War One in 1914.
Climate Priorities
The City has nearly 19,000 hectares of open space that require responsible management for biodiversity, scenic beauty, local and visitor enjoyment, research, education and health. Local risks and challenges include coastal erosion, extreme weather events, water supply, and increased pressure on natural assets from population and visitor growth.
The 2021 Community Scorecard survey of more than 1400 residents highlighted climate action as the top priority for the community. Community members would like greater promotion and adoption of sustainable practices, such as eco-building, solar panels, rain tanks, wave energy, electric vehicles, e-bikes, reduction in single use plastics, and more. They are also concerned about impacts of various recreational activities in natural reserves and would like a greater focus on conservation and environmental management.
The top climate priorities are reflected in the “Planet” pillar of the Community Strategic Plan 2032. The following table from this plan summarise the Outcomes and Objectives that set the direction for Climate Actions in Albany.

At a glance

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Get in Touch
City of Albany
120 North Road
Yakamia, WA 6330
PO Box 484
Albany WA 6324
(08) 6820 3000
Quick Links
Sustainability and Waste at City of Albany
Key Documents and Plans
Community Waste Resource Strategy 2019 – 2026